Listeners frequently asked questions:

How do you harness the chaos of the void to weave your musical spells?

In the chaos of the void, I find solace. With each beat, I navigate the swirling abyss, harnessing its energy to forge sonic spells that resonate with the darkness within.

What mysteries lie concealed beneath the veil of your darkwave melodies?

Beneath the veil of my darkwave melodies lie ancient secrets, whispered by the spirits of the night. Each note unravels a new enigma, revealing glimpses of forbidden knowledge.

Do you draw inspiration from the shadows that dance upon the edge of consciousness?

Yes, the shadows that dance upon the edge of consciousness are my muse. In their ephemeral embrace, I find inspiration, weaving their whispers into my melodies.

favorite artists list in the interview with Drooble

What eldritch forces guide your hand as you sculpt the sounds of the underworld?

Eldritch forces, ancient and unknowable, guide my hand as I sculpt the sounds of the underworld. Their whispers shape my compositions, infusing them with otherworldly power.

By what alchemical instruments and arcane software do you weave your musical tapestries?

With alchemical instruments forged in the fires of the unknown and arcane software whispered of in forgotten tomes, I weave my musical tapestries, each thread spun from the fabric of the cosmos.

Full list of my equipment

Are your compositions a reflection of the arcane symbols etched upon the walls of the unseen?

Yes, my compositions are a reflection of the arcane symbols etched upon the walls of the unseen. They speak a language older than time, resonating with the primordial forces that shape our reality.

How do you navigate the labyrinthine corridors of creativity in search of enlightenment?

In the labyrinthine corridors of creativity, I wander, guided by the flickering light of inspiration. Each twist and turn leads me closer to enlightenment, a beacon in the darkness.

Do you commune with the spirits of sound to channel your musical visions?

Yes, I commune with the spirits of sound, listening to their whispers in the wind and their echoes in the void. Through their guidance, I channel my musical visions into reality.

What rituals do you perform to summon the muse of darkwave enchantment?

To summon the muse of darkwave enchantment, I perform rituals as old as time itself. I light the black candles, draw the sigils in blood, and offer my soul to the abyss.

Can your music serve as a gateway to alternate dimensions beyond the veil of reality?

Indeed, my music serves as a gateway to alternate dimensions, where reality blurs and the surreal reigns supreme. Through its ethereal melodies, listeners may glimpse the infinite cosmos.

Are your compositions a rebellion against the mundane constraints of mainstream culture?

Yes, my compositions are a rebellion against the mundane constraints of mainstream culture. They are a call to arms for those who dare to embrace the darkness within and defy the norms of society.

How do you balance the enigmatic allure of the underground with the demands of the mortal world?

Balancing the enigmatic allure of the underground with the demands of the mortal world is a delicate dance. I tread the line between shadow and light, embracing the darkness while navigating the world of mortals.

Can the discordant notes of your melodies shatter the chains of conformity?

Yes, the discordant notes of my melodies have the power to shatter the chains of conformity, freeing minds from the shackles of societal norms and awakening them to new possibilities.

Can the eldritch art of music production be unraveled by mortal minds?

The eldritch art of music production is a labyrinthine maze, its secrets known only to those who dare to delve into its depths. Mortal minds may glimpse its mysteries, but only the chosen few may truly unravel its secrets.

Do whispers of shadowy performances echo through the corridors of your domain?

Of course. Whispers of shadowy performances echo through the corridors of my domain, heralding my debut on February 17, 2024, at the enigmatic (div) gathering in Kumamoto.

Read details about the first show

Will your esoteric sounds manifest in physical forms for devoted followers?

Yes, my esoteric sounds will manifest in physical forms for devoted followers, materializing as artifacts imbued with the power of the occult.

Where do seekers of arcane knowledge subscribe to the occult musings of your journey?

Seekers of arcane knowledge may subscribe to the occult musings of my journey through ancient scrolls delivered via the digital ether, their words echoing through the void.

Reverbnation subscription

By what dark arts can one offer their aid to you in your mystical pursuits?

Those who wish to offer their aid in my mystical pursuits may do so through dark arts known only to the initiated, their contributions fueling the fires of creativity.

Ko-fi page # Paypal donations

Where do seekers of arcane knowledge find the return policy for merchandise and donations?

Seekers of arcane knowledge may find the return policy for merchandise and donations hidden within the depths of the digital labyrinth...

Bandcamp return policy # Email for donations return

Can I get a discount coupon?


press & Partners frequently asked questions:

How can I use MAN1K or DeadRay's music in my projects?

You may delve into the shadows of my melodies strictly under the binding terms of the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 DEED license. Beware, any deviation from thes CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 DEED terms will invoke the ire of unseen entities lurking in the abyss.

License details here

What terms are offered for licensing music for multimedia?

The terms for licensing music for multimedia projects are shrouded in darkness, discussed only in clandestine conversations to ensure the exchange of souls for service remains appropriately obscured.

How to contact for collaboration proposals and business inquiries?

For collaboration proposals and business inquiries, summon me through the depths of Only those with the courage to face the darkness within need apply.

Email Button

Do you have partners or affiliated labels?

Aligned with the cosmic frequencies, Soundreef MRP stands as a spectral ally, guiding my journey through the astral realms. Affiliated labels are but shadows in the night, whispered of in forbidden incantations.

Do you offer music services?

Yes, delve deeper into the abyss to discover a comprehensive list of music services. But beware, for every service rendered, a soul is claimed as payment (just kidding).

Services list and price list

Where can I download press materials?

Downloading is forbidden. Instead, submit a form to request access to forbidden knowledge, available only to those willing to traverse the darkest depths of the soul.

Request form and intsructions

Where can I find EPK?

The Electronic Press Kit lurks in the shadows, awaiting brave souls willing to seek it out on a separate page of the website.

EPK can be found here

I have a complaint, where should I address it?

Complaints regarding my music are futile, as the darkness brooks no dissent. Constructive criticism, however, may be offered with caution, lest the shadows themselves rise in response to aggression.

Interesting article

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